Buffett Writes About Recent Trip To The Outer Banks

November 30th, 2008

JB at First Flight Airport with his Cessna Caravan

Jimmy Buffett recently treked down the east coast for his annual pilgramige from New York to Florida and wrote about it in his online diary that you can read at Margaritaville.com. He flew his Cessna Caravan from New York’s East River down to First Flight Airport in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina… site of the Wright Brothers National Memorial. Jimmy describes what it’s like to be a pilot and visit the spot where the Wright Brothers first flew:

I am a creature of habit, and to me, the birthplace of aviation, is a place worth visiting more than once. In fact, I would say it is more than a photo op, a gift shop visit or buzzing the Wright Brothers Monument in your plane. It is a spiritual place to me, as powerful as Diamond Head or Machu Pichu in that regard. It is a sandy piece of land, where one can stand at the exact spot where man left the planet for the first time, and reflect in these troubled times, on what it means to soar above the earth and go traveling amongst the stars. Those kinds of thoughts are the things that separate pilots from passengers.

Buffett also writes about a great local seafood place, the throwback cottage that he stayed in, and the stand-up surfboard that he tried out on the trip.

Read the entire Outer Banks diary here. There are also several photos from Buffett’s trip on Margaritaville.com.

Jimmy says at the end of the diary entry that there will be a part II, and possibly a new song or two from this trip, so stay tuned!

Tagged in Aviation, Personal/Family, Photos

Buffett Vacations at the Outer Banks

November 14th, 2008

Real Kiteboarding of Cape Hatteras, NC has a writeup on Jimmy Buffett’s recent stop to the Outer Banks to do some surfing and fishing:

There’s not too many days that you get to take a session with someone as cool, laid back and talented as Jimmy Buffett. Two years ago we were lucky enough to bump into Jimmy in the British Virgin Islands and spent a day surfing head high point break waves with light offshore winds. Tons of long waves, big smiles and lifelong memories were had that day.

On Tuesday, November 10th, Jimmy Buffett caught up with us again at the new REAL Flagship Store in Cape Hatteras, NC. Jimmy was on a road trip from New York to Charleston, SC in his vegetable oil powered diesel 4×4 van nicknamed “The Green Tomato”.

Read the entire article here.

And here is a video from Real Kiteboarding that features a photo slideshow and some video of Buffett’s visit:

(hat tip to Tara for passing this along)

Tagged in Personal/Family, Photos, Videos

Buffett volunteers in the surf with Autistic kids

September 20th, 2007

Jimmy Buffett spent some time this past weekend volunteering in Montauk with Surfers Healing, a organization created specifically to take autistic children out of their mysterious shells, and to turn a beach here, a beach there, into a sanctuary of shared understanding for moms and dads who most days struggle alone to cope with their challenged children in the “normal” world.

“It’s the motion of the ocean,” was how the singer Jimmy Buffett put it. Mr. Buffett, a surfer himself, showed up to volunteer on Saturday afternoon. Later that evening, he performed for parents and volunteers at the Sunset Saloon on Fort Pond Bay in Montauk.

Read the entire article here.

Tagged in Charitable Causes, In The News