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From Under My Lone Palm: Play on Your Blue Guitar for Me

January 26th, 2009

In this month’s “From Under My Lone Palm”, Justin chronicles the many guitars that Jimmy Buffett has used over the years:

Earlier this month I was talked into throwing $20 bucks in on the extremely popular “Guitar Hero
World Tour” 2 guitar controller set. I gotta say that I never thought I would like Guitar Hero or Rock Band since it always seemed to me to be a rip-off of actually playing guitar. But, I was hooked immediately. Both games are a lot of fun. Plus, how cool is it to rock out to Peter Mayer’s guitar licks on “Cheeseburger in Paradise”? I can say that it’s not as easy as it looks. So I figured a great topic for the column this month would be Jimmy’s guitars. As some of you might know, I’ve been researching them for quite sometime for a new page on the site, but I just can’t get the page to come together enough to please me. I’m sure someday I’ll get it right, but until then, here’s a look at a few of Jimmy’s beautiful guitars from over the years.

Read the entire column here.

Also, check out all of the FUMLP’s from the past here.

Tagged in From Under My Lone Palm