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From Under My Lone Palm: “Cambridge ’74”

November 25th, 2008

It’s time for the November edition of “From Under My Lone Palm”. This month, Justin digs deep into the archives and finds an interview that Jimmy did in 1974:

Ah, the off-season. Don’t it suck? November is here and once again it’s time for Jimmy to disappear to some place warm for the winter. Of course that leaves all of us parrotheads stuck to tough out cabin fever with nothing new from our hero for a few months. So as I was thinking about what to write about this month, I was of course stuck without anything new happening. So with nothing new to work with, I looked through my archives for something old. And old I found. Below you will find a transcript of an interview Jimmy did with some radio station in Massachusetts in what I would guess to be sometime in April or May 1974.

Read the rest of the colum here.

View all of the past FUMLP’s here.

Tagged in From Under My Lone Palm