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Wesley Cook Radio Special Airs Worldwide

January 19th, 2007

The Time After Island Time Radio Program is very proud to present Part One of a 2-part special on Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, Recording Artist and sometime actor Wesley Cook. Wesley Cook’s cover of “He Went to Paris,” has lead some music fans to say…”Who was that?” The single debuted first on a Time After Island Time in commemoration of Jimmy Buffett’s Sixtieth Birthday.

SO WHO IS WESLEY COOK? What is unique about Wesley Cook is his profoundly deep and well-constructed lyrics. The variety of music he composes is more diverse than most artists you will ever encounter. Growing up in foreign countries, he captured many influences from around the world. But you will find some of his songs to be folk, some blues, some rock, and a healthy dose of beautiful ballads. His depth of thinking and writing, as well as ambition leaves some a bit surprised when they find out how young he is. Watch out for Wesley- he’s going to be big.

We welcome him on TAIT for a very intimate conversation and some unplugged acoustic guitar playing and singing. Be prepared to hear a troubadour you will not soon forget! Tune in from anywhere in the world via Radio JimmyDreamz.

Broadcast dates and times for Part I:
JANUARY 22, 2007—Monday 1pm
JANUARY 24, 2007—Wednesday 9am
JANUARY 25, 2007—Thursday 4pm
JANUARY 27, 2007—Saturday 8pm
**All broadcasts are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)**

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