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Hoot Premiere April 7th in Boca Grande

March 24th, 2006

According to the Boca Beacon the “Hoot” Premiere will be held on April 7th in Boca Grande, Florida:

The “world premiere” of the Wil Shriner screen adaptation of Carl Hiassen’s Hoot will be held Friday, April 7 in Boca Grande at the Gasparilla Inn Beach Club.

Both Shriner and Hiassen plan to attend the premiere, and others associated the the film project may also attend.

Many of the scenes in the movie were shot in Boca Grande during the five days the company and crew spent on the island in July. Additional scenes were shot earlier this year.

Details of the premiere are still being worked out but it is likely that two showings will be held – the Friday night premiere and a Saturday matinee.

Ticket prices for the event have not been set.

Read the entire article here

Tagged in Business Empire