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Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2023

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas today on what would have been Jimmy Buffett’s 77th birthday. We also wish the Buffett family comfort in their first Christmas without Jimmy.

Jimmy wrote this about his birthday and Christmas for his 1996 album Christmas Island:

For those of you who didn’t know, I was born on Christmas Day 1946, the day W.C. Fields died. I think this only goes to prove that God does have a sense of humor, but being born on Christmas was rough going at first. The most obvious scam was to try and double up on presents. “Here’s your Birthday and Christmas present.” I even knew at that young tender age that a scam was in progress and it did not sit well with me. More importantly, it did not sit well with my mother, who made it known, in no uncertain terms to the aunts, uncles and cousins of the Buffett clan strung out along the Gulf coast, that she expected two presents for her bouncing baby boy-one for his birthday and one for Christmas. On the whole it worked quite well, though there were a few Scrooge like occurrences where I would get socks for my birthday and a tie for Christmas. This probably is the reason I never have liked to wear either since.

Tagged in Personal/Family