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Jimmy Visits His Hometown of Pascagoula

December 8th, 2014

After making a surprise appearance at Tipitina’s in New Orleans on Saturday, and taking in the Saints game on Sunday, Jimmy Buffett headed to his birthplace on Monday: Pascagoula, Mississippi.

From GulfLive.com:

The Pascagoula native was in New Orleans over the weekend, and rented a car with longtime friend Franz Hanning and drove from the Big Easy down highway 90 and into Jackson County and had lunch at Scranton’s in Pascagoula. Hanning is also a Pascaoula native and is the brother-in-law of Scranton’s co-owner Jack Pickett.

“I got a call about 10 Sunday night that they might be coming,” Richard Chenoweth, also a Scranton’s co-owner, said. “They were supposed to be there at 11, and I didn’t tell anyone but my daughter Amy (the manager of Scranton’s) and I didn’t tell her until right around 11. They walked in about 10 minutes later.”

“He’s a great guy, really laid back,” Chenoweth added. “We just talked about the Saints, and fishing and food and family. I think everyone really enjoyed it. It was real casual. They just wanted to stop in their hometown and have a bite to eat.”

Chenoweth said the group dined on Bang-Bang Shrimp and chicken gumbo among other fare, and Buffett had a turkey burger.

“We had a pretty good lunch crowd that early, and no one really realized it was him,” Chenoweth concluded. “It turned out real well.”

Read the full story at GulfLive.com.

Tagged in In The News, Personal/Family