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#ParrotheadProblems Takes Over Our Twitter Feed

March 5th, 2012

If you follow us on Twitter then you probably saw a fun game catch fire on Monday night. Twitter user @RickyS4538 tweeted at us “I have rope burn from the strings that held my coconut bra on at Buffett” and included the hashtag #ParrotheadProblems. If you don’t know what a hashtag is, it’s a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic. For example, if you did a Twitter search for #Yankees you’ll see a bunch of tweets about the New York Yankees.

We thought the hashtag would make a great game, so we encouraged everyone to send in their own #ParrotheadProblems. Below you’ll find a few of our favorites (including a couple of our own):

Do a search on Twitter for the #ParrotheadProblems hashtag to see them all.

Are you on Twitter? Be sure to follow us: @BuffettWorld.

Tagged in Parrotheads