Lucy Buffett Talks About Her Brother
February 24th, 2012
The Birmingham News has a great interview with Lucy Buffett where she talks about her brother Jimmy:
Q: Some have said that casual fans — the ones who only know “Margaritaville”and “Cheeseburger in Paradise” — are missing out on the real Buffett, who expresses himself more eloquently in other tunes. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
A: Totally agree. I think in his box set, that’s really quite old now, one of the CDs contains a lot of his slow, pretty ballads. Some of them are so sweet and moving without being sappy. You know, Jimmy is really a storyteller and when you listen to some of his songs, they truly resonate as contemporary poetry put to music. His hits represent his playful side, but when you look at his entire catalog, you can’t help but appreciate his deep emotional side. Much to his own chagrin, I might add. He’s really quite modest and private; like most men, he won’t wallow in the emotional side of things for very long. He really is more of a “breathe in, breathe out, move on” kind of guy.
Q: Do you have a favorite Buffett song? If so, why?
A: “Havana Daydreamin’” is one of my favorite old songs. I was living in Key West when that album came out, so I knew all the characters and contexts. He wrote a beautiful tribute to my dad that’s very touching, but it’s not one you will ever hear him perform. I’m particularly fond of the one about “oysters and beer for dinner every day of the year.” That’s the one I can relate to. It was also one of my mother’s favorites. That, and “He Went to Paris.” Ironically, I don’t know the titles of all his songs, but I do know most of the lyrics.
Q: Anything else you’d like to say about your brother?
A: Jimmy’s a very practical fellow. He can iron his own clothes, prefers to drive himself around, and is extremely self sufficient. He’s not afraid to laugh at himself, but he’s really smart and has great instincts, especially about business. He’s a very early riser, and most of his emails come to me between 5 and 6 in the morning. No, he’s not out partying all night in Margaritaville — LOL!
Read the full interview here.
Tagged in Personal/Family