More Remembrances of Ralph MacDonald
December 20th, 2011
Nadirah Shakoor posted this video of Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band doing “Knees of My Heart” in a hotel room in 1999 as Ralph contributes with plastic bags and sheets of paper. As Nadirah said, this is “one reason Ralph is hailed as one of the best.”
Mac McAnally also left a very nice remembrance on his Facebook page:
So as you may know by now the Coral Reefer Family lost a Big Brother this week. Ralph MacDonald was One of a Kind in a hundred ways, and was family to me in more than one way as well.
At first inspection we were as different as one could imagine. A white kid from small town Mississippi and a black kid from Harlem. A larger than life of the party guy and a boring Southern Baptist. But we both have these Irish names…. and nicknames (both called Mac). And it turns out we both put our families and our music far above all other things. Ralph lit up at the mention of his kids or his Grace or his music in a way that cannot be measured or faked.
And so the two Mac’s in the Coral Reefers turn out to be more alike than different. My life is better better for having known him. Because of Ralph I’m a better Musician and a better Father and there’s always room for improvement.
As a percussionist (the official term does not do him justice) he did what he did as well as it’s ever been done. Period.
I and my Daughters are blessed to call him family and his status does not change with his passing. He had and shared so much and I will never forget him.
A life well lived.
GodSpeed my Brother
Mac McAnally
Tagged in Coral Reefers