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Buffett Interviewed on Anderson Cooper (Video)

July 1st, 2010

Jimmy Buffett was interviewed on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday. They walked the beach and discussed the oil spill and its effect on the coastal communities. If there was one message Jimmy was trying to get out, it was that he wanted folks to come down… either to help out or just come down and visit the beaches with your family.

Here’s a portion of the interview:

Cooper plans to air more of the interview on Friday and Monday. If more video is posted online, we’ll bring it to you.


“This is the beach of my misspent youth,” he said, as we began to stroll along the water’s edge.

“You’re not human if anger isn’t the first emotion,” says Buffett, who has long been involved in environmental causes.

“Can Margaritaville survive an oil slick?” I ask. “Sure, hell, we’ll survive,” he says quickly, “people on this coast can survive anything. I mean, it’s another storm, it happens to be one we’re not quite used to in terms of what it’s leaving behind, but you know, this is hurricane country and people bounce back, and I love the resilience of people.”

Buffett himself has just opened up a hotel in Pensacola Beach, not great timing he admits, but he is not surprised this spill has lasted so long. He says he didn’t believe the early estimates put out by BP about the oil flow.

“You know what,” he says,”I’ve been in show business a long time, I know liars when I hear them. I thought they were lying from the beginning. That’s just me personally.”

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