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Jimmy Buffett World 5.0

January 13th, 2010

Welcome to the new Jimmy Buffett World. It had been exactly two years since the site had been redesigned last, so it was time for a new look. Not only is there a new look, but there are some nice new features that have been added.

The biggest new visual addition that hits you immediately upon loading the site is the Featured Stories slideshow. It’s situated in the middle of the page and scrolls through four of the biggest recent stories. Other additions on the homepage include a Featured Video in the right column (currently featuring Jimmy Buffett’s latest appearance on The Today Show to promote Buffet Hotel), and a poll in the left column that will change from time to time (be sure to vote on how you like the new look).

If you dig deeper into the site you’ll find a major overhaul of the albums and songs sections. Each song now has its own page, which makes it easier to find a song when you’re looking for it. Simply go to the Songs page and they’re listed alphabetically. Or you can browse by Album.

The biggest Jimmy Buffett video collection on the web has been expanded and updated. It now houses 83 videos including music videos, TV appearances from the late 70’s to the present, and miscellaneous videos such as when Jimmy spoke at Google headquarters.

One part of the site is still under construction: the Shows & Set Lists archive. It should be completed in the next few weeks.

So browse around and see the changes. If you come across any bugs or links that don’t work, please shoot us an e-mail so we can get it fixed.

And of course don’t forget to find us on Twitter and Facebook. And be sure to sign up for e-mail updates to get the latest news delivered to your inbox.

I need to give big props to Justin (author of the “From Under My Lone Palm” column) for his hard work in the site redesign. Thanks man!

If you’d like to see what the site looked like in its previous four lives check out our About page.

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