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Buffett Makes Surprise Appearance at Stephen Talkhouse

July 29th, 2009

Tips coming in that Jimmy Buffett has made a surprise appearance at The Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett, New York tonight.

Ilo Ferreira was the scheduled performer and the Talkhouse website listed “with a special guest”. The night was a charity event for the Wounded Warriors Project, a cause that Jimmy and Mac McAnally have played benefits for.

UpdateTheMusicFile has some details and photos.

[A] surprise was in store for us last night as my friend Katie O’Connell got word late in the day that Buffett would be performing at the tiny and beloved Stephen Talkhouse in Amagansett, NY.

Just a few miles down the road from tony East Hampton, “The Talkhouse” is the antithesis of snobbery and just might be one of the last real deals left on the East End of Long Island. I adore the place. On the bill last night was “Ilo Ferriera w/ Special Guest”. Word had obviously spread quickly that the “guest” was JB and by the time we arrived, the place was packed/sold out/nada with Parrotheads pouring out of the windows and a growing crowd in the streets praying for a break.

We were lucky enough to get one of those breaks and were treated to what can only be described as one of those rare nights of music where everyone is instantly your new best friend (and handing a $20 over 3 rows of people to some guy at the bar to buy your next round seems like a perfectly normal thing to do). Sardine can would not be too much of a stretch… but a sardine can that every single person felt blessed to be jammed into.

Turns out Ilo’s a real talent- blending Reggae and Pop with an African flair and enough Buffett meets Jack Johnson to appeal to a very wide audience. The highlights of the night were of course when Jimmy joined Ilo on stage and poured through many of his most beloved hits (Is there one word of “Margaritaville” that someone on the planet doesn’t know?)

Tagged in Special Appearances