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Caption Contest Winner: George

April 9th, 2009

Congratulations to George for winning the latest Buffett Caption Contest.

Here was the photo:

And George’s winning caption was short and sweet:

“The Captain and the Kid”

There were a total of 451 votes and George garnered 31% of the vote with 141 votes. In second place was spike755 with “Dad…look one more F bomb and we’re outta here again..this time Mom will really be pissed!”

Here were the full results:

  • “The Captain and the Kid” – George (141 votes, 31%)
  • “Dad…look one more F bomb and we’re outta here again..this time Mom will really be pissed!” – spike755 (110 votes, 24%)
  • “I’m biting my tounge this time… I’m biting my tongue this time…” – Ken Kehoe (68 votes, 15%)
  • “Dammit! I can’t believe we all wore the same shirt!” – Ken Carriker (66 votes, 15%)
  • “If I wasn’t already crazy…the Heat would drive me insane!” – iblewoutmyflipflop (66 votes, 15%)

View all of the captions that were submitted here.

Thanks to all who submitted a caption and for all who voted!

Tagged in Caption Contest