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Caption Contest Winner: Parrothead Mania

December 25th, 2008

Congratulations to Parrothead Mania for winning the final Buffett Caption Contest of 2008… and with it, a Portopong!

Here was the photo:

And here was Parrothead Mania’s winning caption:

“See, I told you there was a woman to blame, now arrest her and give me back my shaker of salt!”

There were a total of 440 votes cast, and Parrothead Mania received 155 votes (35%). Al came in second with “”Officer! Arrest that man! He’s a Jimmy Buffett impersonator and he goes by the name of Kenny Chesney!!!!!””

Here are the full results:

  • “See, I told you there was a woman to blame, now arrest her and give me back my shaker of salt!” – Parrothead Mania (155 votes, 35%)
  • “Officer! Arrest that man! He’s a Jimmy Buffett impersonator and he goes by the name of Kenny Chesney!!!!!” – Al (128 votes, 29%)
  • “Sheriff that’s the one who was dancing on the hood of your car…” – Steve Cantwell (74 votes, 17%)
  • “I swear officer, the students said they were 21 when I brought in the Margarita Machine for the Christmas Party!” – Jay (40 votes, 9%)
  • “That filling station hold up thing was just a big misunderstanding” – Eli Mak (31 votes, 7%)
  • “Hey Luke, there goes your career!” – Travis (12 votes, 3%)

View all of the captions that were submitted here.

Congratulations to Parrothead Mania for winning this week’s caption contest! Thanks to everyone who entered and to everyone who voted. Also, a special thanks to the folks at Portopong for sponsoring this contest. Check them out at www.portopong.com!

Merry Christmas!

Tagged in Caption Contest