Caption Winner: Patti Abbott!

October 2nd, 2008

Congratulations to Patti Abbott for receiving the most votes in our first Caption Contest. Here was the photo:

photo by Guillaume Desjardins/IHT

Here was Patti’s winning caption:

“Finally, I found the elusive ATM for the Bank of Bad Habits! Hmmm…now what…….pizzaaaa!!!”

A total of 376 votes were cast and Patti received 122 votes (32%), barely edging out Carolyn L. who had 120 votes.

Here are the full results:

  • “For once I get to use the photo booth by myself without Mac jumping on my lap making a monkey face.” – Wayne (38 votes, 10%)
  • “Hey! This is pretty cool….a surfboard vending machine!!” – Derek (38 votes, 10%)
  • “What…no Junior Mints?” – Carolyn L. (120 votes, 32%)
  • “Finally, I found the elusive ATM for the Bank of Bad Habits! Hmmm…now what…….pizzaaaa!!!” – Patti Abbott (122 votes, 32%)
  • “H’mm Margaritaville, # B-17” – Dennis Orth (58 votes, 15%)

Congratulations to Patti! And thanks to all who entered! Stay tuned and we’ll have another caption contest soon.

Tagged in Caption Contest

New Column: “From Under My Lone Palm”

October 1st, 2008

Introducing a new feature here at BuffettWorld: “From Under My Lone Palm”, a monthly column written by Justin (you may know him as Bamafan).

So the last few weeks I’ve been struggling to connect with a certain member of the opposite sex. While I hopelessly try my hand at love, something I’ve always thought I was nowhere near ready for, I’ve looked for several sources of wisdom. One constant source of that for me has and might always be music. I mean think about it, you can always find a song for anything your going through in life. With that in mind, I started thinking about Buffett music and what that had to do with my great struggle for the love of a particular woman. And as I was enjoying the “Fruitcakes” album, I realized that Jimmy has addressed this issue more than you might think over his career.

Read the rest of “From Under My Lone Palm” here.

Tagged in From Under My Lone Palm