New Column: “From Under My Lone Palm”
October 1st, 2008
Introducing a new feature here at BuffettWorld: “From Under My Lone Palm”, a monthly column written by Justin (you may know him as Bamafan).
So the last few weeks I’ve been struggling to connect with a certain member of the opposite sex. While I hopelessly try my hand at love, something I’ve always thought I was nowhere near ready for, I’ve looked for several sources of wisdom. One constant source of that for me has and might always be music. I mean think about it, you can always find a song for anything your going through in life. With that in mind, I started thinking about Buffett music and what that had to do with my great struggle for the love of a particular woman. And as I was enjoying the “Fruitcakes” album, I realized that Jimmy has addressed this issue more than you might think over his career.
Read the rest of “From Under My Lone Palm” here.
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