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Buffett lays tracks for “Rock Band” video game

May 30th, 2008

You will now be able to rock out to Jimmy Buffett songs from the comfort of your own home on your video game console. According to the official “Rock Band” website, Jimmy has laid 3 tracks that will be available for the game next week:

Ready to get your head spinning? This week are we really covering the spread. First we have a three pack of songs from Jimmy Buffett for $1.99 each (160 Microsoft Points) or $5.49 (440 Microsoft Points) for the pack. Jimmy Buffett rerecorded the three songs for exclusive use in Rock Band, turns out he really digs the game.

Tracks are as Follows-

  • “Margaritaville” by Jimmy Buffett (master – new original recording)
  • “Cheeseburger in Paradise” by Jimmy Buffett (master – new original recording)
  • “Volcano” by Jimmy Buffett (master – new original recording)

(hat tip to kwyn for passing this along!)

Don’t have “Rock Band”? You can order it online at Amazon.com:

Update – According to the Daily Game, the Buffett tracks will only be available through the Playstation 3 store (June 6th) and the Xbox 360 store (June 3rd).

Tagged in Pop Culture References, Video Games