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More Insight Into Buffett’s Harvard Visit

November 25th, 2005

An article on Gainesville.com gives some more insight into Buffett’s visit to Harvard:

Before the study group, Graham invites a few undergraduates to have lunch with Buffett in a conference room. The singer arrives in a long-sleeved polo shirt, corduroy pants and loafers. Graham wears a coat and tie. Buffett tells the students that he admires Graham’s commitment to the environment and his nonstop curiosity.

”When he was in the Senate, he was always inquisitive,” Buffett says, citing Graham’s research about Islam. ”He went and studied. He took the time to go and investigate what this was all about before making an opinion.”

He wishes Graham had become president. ”I still think he’d be a better president than what we’ve got now, for God’s sakes.” He teases Graham that his namesake bridge is famous for collapsing.

”The one that gets hit all the time? That’s your bridge?” he asks.

About 50 students arrive for the study group, some clutching CDs and even a guitar for Buffett to autograph. Buffett gives a brief speech about how governments are similar to rock bands. He answers questions about his politics and music (No, he doesn’t mind playing Margaritaville for the zillionth time, because it pays the rent.)

Tagged in In The News, Politics