USA Weekend Interview with Buffett, Win a Trip to Paradise
June 27th, 2008
USA Weekend has a terrific interview with Buffett, where he talks a lot about his family, politics, and how he came up with this year’s tour name, among other things: “Jimmy Buffett: No Trouble In Paradise”
When Jimmy Buffett was trying to come up with a name for his annual tour, he got together with a group of buddies and bandmates to brainstorm. “We said, ‘What are we going to call this after 40 years? What do we do now that we’re still here?’ ” he says. “And that became this summer’s motto: The Year of Still Here.”
Buffett, describing himself as “an old hippie” and “Southern radical,” says now, “I’m an Obama person.”
“Everybody knows my politics [he campaigned for Jimmy Carter and Al Gore and has played twice at Bill Clinton birthday parties]. But half my audience is Republicans — and that’s OK. People should be communicating, which is the biggest factor to me.”
He has been opposed to the war in Iraq since the beginning. “Anybody who makes policy in this country oughta have to walk by the Vietnam memorial on the way to work,” Buffett says.
So why not vote for Vietnam vet John McCain? “I respect John McCain, but it’s old stuff. John McCain is older than I am!”
Buffett’s kids have not exactly followed him into the fame game. At least not yet. Delaney 16, attends boarding school in the Northeast, as does Cameron, 14, his only son. Savannah, 29, is a host for Radio Margaritaville, a Sirius station that features all things Buffett. Ask Buffett what kind of dad he is, and he’ll say what most fathers say: “A good one, I hope.”
Read the entire article here.
They are also giving away a trip to Parrothead Paradise, all you have to do is write your own first verse to Margaritaville! Read the details and enter the contest here!
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