Buffett Confirmed for St Barts Next Month
October 16th, 2009
We posted the rumor way back in February that Jimmy Buffett was expected to play at the 60th Anniversary of LeSelect on St. Barts in the Caribbean on November 7th. Below is the promotional poster for the event:
More info here:
Back in 1949, 60 years ago, our goof friend Marius Stakelborough started a small bar in St. Barths called LeSelect. It’s become one of the most popular and well-known bars in the Caribbean. Marius has also become good friends with us at St. Hazards and even made the 2,000 mile journey to visit in 2006.
The big party to celebrate the 60th will be Nov. 6, 7 and 8th. Jimmy Bufett and Marius also have become good friends since Jimmy lived on St. Barths many years ago. He’s even bringing his entire Coral Reefer Band to put on a free concert as part of the party. Here’s the first look at the poster for this concert plus a few photos of LeSelect. The photo of Jimmy was taken at one of the beaches on St. Barths. You can see the St. Hazards flag on the inside view of LeSelect.
Tagged in Special Appearances, Tickets, Tour Dates